Scuba diving Bali 2016

Scuba diving localities Tulamben, Amed, Jemeluk, Liberty wreck, Puri Jati
Camera: Canon Powershot G16
Matahari Tulamben Resort Matahari Tulamben Resort Matahari Tulamben Resort Matahari Tulamben Resort Matahari Tulamben Resort Matahari Tulamben Resort Matahari Tulamben Resort Matahari Tulamben Resort Matahari Tulamben Resort Matahari Tulamben Resort Matahari Tulamben Resort Matahari Tulamben Resort View towards the Liberty wreck View towards the dive spot Drop Off Temple above the dive spot Drop Off Evening sea Evening sea Fish on the reef Kate taking pictures Sweetlip Peter on the reef Sea horse Sweetlip Our friend Mirek on the reef Coral reef Hawkfish Artificial reef Sweepers Sweepers Butterflyfish Mantis shrimp Nudibranch Coral reef Artificial reef Coral reef Artificial reef Moray eel Sweetlips Porcelain crab Fish on the reef Costasiella leaf slug Sea sponge Nudibranch Green humphead parrotfish Sea sponge and slug Kate on the reef Frogfish Hermit crab Clownfish Damselfish Amphipoda Nudibranch Coral reef Shrimp Mantis shrimp Artificial reef Fish Soft coral - Dendronephthya Sea lily Valentin's sharpnose puffer Scorpionfish Nudibranch Moray eel Cuttlefish Sea sponge Coral reef Moray eel Goby Flatworm Nudibranch Garden eel Flatworm Artificial reef Mantis shrimp Caridean shrimp Hermit crab Scorpionfish Nudibranch Coral reef Coral Nudibranch Reef Sweetlip Grouper Stingray Gorgonian Artificial reef Goby Camel shrimp Trevallies Hawkfish Crown-of-thorns starfish Reef Shrimp Trips - Amed Trips - Amed Puri Jati, rice fields Water palace Tirta Gangga Water palace Tirta Gangga Water palace Tirta Gangga Water palace Tirta Gangga Water palace Tirta Gangga Water palace Tirta Gangga Store with food Farm with the snake fruit Snake fruit Mangosteen Muscat nut Tropical fruit Garden with fruit Coffee plantation Luwak Arabica coffee Waterfall Temple Jungle Jungle Temples of Pura Lempuyang Luhur Jungle Temples of Pura Lempuyang Luhur Temples of Pura Lempuyang Luhur On the way to the temples of Pura Lempuyang Luhur On the way to the temples of Pura Lempuyang Luhur On the way to the temples of Pura Lempuyang Luhur Jungle Temples of Pura Lempuyang Luhur Monkeys Monkeys Rice fields Rice fields Rice fields