Mediterranean Sea Gozo and Comino scuba diving 2014

Camera: Canon Powershot G11
Night ferry to the Island of Gozo Ferry in the Mgarr harbour Traditional fishing boat Fishing nets Traditional fishing boat Marsalforn Bay Morning in Marsalforn Xewkija Cathedral The Citadel in Victoria Gozo shore Salt pans road Dive on Salt pans, locality The Crack Dive on Salt pans, locality The Crack Blue Hole, Dwejra Azure Window, Dwejra Dwejra shore, stone formation Crocodile Dwejra shore Caves, Island of Comino Caves, Island of Comino Goat fish Feather duster worm Cuttlefish Wreck of the patrol boat P31 Peter Patrol boat P31 Patrol boat P31 Patrol boat P31 Patrol boat P31 Patrol boat P31 Patrol boat P31 Peter, patrol boat P31 Patrol boat P31 Patrol boat P31 Patrol boat P31 Fish, patrol boat P31 Marsalforn Bay Feather duster worm, Marsalforn Bay Kate Marsalforn Bay Marsalforn Bay Marsalforn Bay Kate Mediterranean slipper lobster Fireworm in Marsalforn Bay Scorpion fish Peter School of fish Anemone Wall in the Comino cave Moray eel Fireworms Comino cave Seabreams Sea snail in cave Nudibrach in cave Divers in Inland Sea Moray eel Inland Sea Mediterranean parrotfish Seabreams, Ras Il Hobz Nudibranchs Parrotfish